Warner Bros. Television was the television division of Warner Bros. Pictures, founded on March 21, 1955 by studio vice president Jack L. Warner and headed by TV producer and actor William T. Orr (credited as "Wm. T. Orr"). The studio made its small screen debut with Warner Bros. Presents on September 20, 1955. Around circa 1960, WBTV formed Warner Bros. Television Distribution. Then, in 1989, WBTVD formed the current syndication arm of WBTV, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, after acquiring Lorimar-Telepictures.
In 2020, WarnerMedia rebranded Warner Bros. Television as "Warner Bros. Television Studios" as part of a restructure of its TV studios. With the name switch, the company was still designated as "Warner Bros. Television" for on-screen and other materials.
1st Logo (September 20, 1955-July 7, 1967)[]
Nickname: "Decorative WB Shield"
Logo: We see the famous Warner Bros. shield logo superimposed over the credits, minus the banner that usually reads "WARNER BROS. PICTURES".
- There was an opening variant, which has the shield zooming in over a shot of the Warner Bros. Studios (like the then-current Warner Bros. logo).
- Also, there were different variants of the logo with text over the shield, such as "Filmed at WARNER BROS. STUDIOS IN BURBANK, CALIFORNIA".
- Some shows had the Warner Bros. logo over a grainy background, a la DuMont Television Network.
- A color version of this logo featured a red background and the shield in its normal coloration (gold and blue). On the superimposed variant, the shield and letters are yellow.
- On some shows, in the opening variant, a "presents" banner was added.
- On The Bugs Bunny Show, we see the WB shield on a red background. Suddenly the shield opens to reveal Bugs Bunny munching his carrot and saying, "This, folks, is a Warner Bros. television production." The shield then closes.
- On General Electric True (or GE True), a small version of the WB shield is shown with the text "A WARNER BROS. PRODUCTION" under it.
- On the 77 Sunset Strip episodes "Alimony League", "Not Such a Simple Knot" and "The Target" on Me-TV, the WB shield appears with the banner reading "WARNER BROS. PICTURES" on a dark background after the closing credits.
FX/SFX: None, except for the animations.
- Opening:
- A drum roll followed by a majestic fanfare on some shows like Colt 55.
- Sometimes it would be accompanied by a 7-note fanfare followed by a drum sound when the grainy background variant was used.
- Another variant used after the opening of the show has six fanfare notes at the beginning followed by a six orchestrated notes.
- Closing:
- The end-title theme from the show. The animated variant without "Presents" used seventeen trumpet notes.
- On some season 6 episodes of 77 Sunset Strip found on MeTV, there are seven orchestral notes with the last note being drawn out, followed by four drum beats.
Availability: Rare.
- The animated un-superimposed variant appears on the end of Lawman on Encore Westerns and the opening "Presents" variant of the animated logo was found on some episodes of Cheyenne on Encore Westerns and Retroplex.
- This has been remained intact on F Troop (when it aired on Me-TV in 2016 and recently on Circle) and 77 Sunset Strip (which recently airs on Me-TV).
- The Warner Bros. Pictures variant of the WB shield shown on the sixth season of 77 Sunset Strip was extremely rare, so it only appears on a few episodes of that show because of MeTV choosing to cut straight to their network ID after Jack Webb's executive producer credit at the end of the closing credits on most of the episodes from the sixth season.
Editor's Note: None.
2nd Logo (September 1, 1967-March 6, 1970)[]
Nickname: "Blue/TV WB-7"
Logo: We see a superimposed stylized shield with a combination of a "W" and a "7" (representing the Warner Bros.-Seven Arts merger) against the ending titles. The company name "WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS" is shown below.
Variant: At the end of The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour, the logo is shown on a red background without the company name. Suddenly, the shield opens to reveal Bugs Bunny, who says "This has been a Warner Bros.-Seven Arts..." until he gets interrupted by the Road Runner, who zips into the scene and does his trademark "Meep-meep!". Whilst the Road Runner zips out, Bugs chuckles and continues "Like the bird says, this has been a Warner Bros.-Seven Arts television presentation." The shield then closes.
FX/SFX: None, with the expection of the animation on The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour.
Music/Sounds: None or the end theme.
Availability: Possibly extinct. Was last shown on The F.B.I. and The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour.
Editor's Note: None.
3rd Logo (September 7, 1970-February 10, 1972)[]
Nickname: "The Television Kinney Shield"
Logo: Over a blue background, we see the shield from the Warner Bros. Pictures logo from the time, with the words "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" underneath the logo.
Variant: Sometimes, we see the print logo in white on a black background.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None or the opening/ending theme.
Availability: Extremely rare.
- It appeared for a short time on some shows and made-for-TV movies of the era, such as The F.B.I. and The Jimmy Stewart Show.
- This logo was also spotted on overseas syndicated prints of Archie's TV Funnies.
Editor's Note: None.
4th Logo (February 11-September 7, 1972)[]
Nicknames: "Television WCI Shield", "Decorative WB Shield II"
Logo: We see the standard shield logo over a navy blue background, with the word "TELEVISION" in large letters on the banner, and the byline "A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY" underneath.
Variant: A superimposed version exists on The Picasso Summer.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None or the ending theme of the show.
Availability: Very rare, so it appeared for quite a short time on TV.
Editor's Note: None.
5th Logo (September 8, 1972-September 20, 1984)[]
Nicknames: "Abstract W", "\\'"
Logo: On a red background, we see the 1972-1984 Warner Bros. logo (a white abstract "W" consisting of two slanted elongated circles and a shorter elongated circle inside a black square with rounded and soft corners), with the words "WARNER BROS TELEVISION" on top of it and the text "A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY" underneath. All the text was in white and in the Handel Gothic font.
- The syndication logo had the words "DISTRIBUTED BY" cheaply tacked-in above "WARNER BROS TELEVISION" in the early years of its usage. By 1974, the syndication variant featured the text "WARNER BROS TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION" instead of "WARNER BROS TELEVISION".
- The words in the standard logo had a drop-shadow added below them starting in 1977. Despite that, the Distribution variant stayed the same.
- There's also a widescreen version of this logo, shown on DVD and high-definition prints of some shows and TV movies.
- There's a superimposed variant of this logo that appeared on season 3 episodes of Alice.
- There was a color-inverted version of the logo with a black abstract "W" on a white square.
- Another set of logo variants involve two or three Looney Tunes characters. This was common on The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour and many Looney Tunes specials.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: None or the credit theme from the show or TV movie fading out. On occasion, a fanfare containing seven dramatic horn notes was used.
Availability: More common than the movie logo.
- It's still preserved on most 1972-1984 shows.
- It's also found on the first season of Scarecrow and Mrs. King, whenever it's rerun.
Editor's Note: None.
6th Logo (September 21, 1984-April 4, 1998)[]
Nicknames: "Television WB Shield", "The Shield Returns"
Logo: Same as its movie counterpart, but "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" was added on top of the shield.
Bylines: The following bylines were used during the logo's run:
- September 21, 1984-May 26, 1990: "A WARNER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY"
- January 10, 1990-October 18, 1996: "A TIME WARNER COMPANY"
- September 7, 1992-April 4, 1998: "A TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY"
- Many post-1984 TV movies and/or mini-series such as North and South: Books I and II used the 1984 Warner Bros. Pictures logo at the end.
- On the short-lived cartoon series Family Dog, the logo was shown on the right side of the screen on a black background, with the 1991 Universal Television logo on the left.
- On some occasions starting in 1990, the words "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" are slightly more stretched out and the Time Warner byline is slightly shortened in.
- A B&W version of the 1990 WBTD logo was used on old TV Land airings of Gilligan's Island, as well as on the Tiny Toon Adventures episode "Two-Tone Town" for the 1992 logo.
- On The John Larroquette Show, the logo is an in-credit logo on a black-dark blue gradient background in a white color with a copyright notice underneath the TWE byline, and the banner reads "WARNER BROS.". The first episode appears on a sunset scene from the show, while the rest of the 1st season has it superimposed over live-action scenes from the respective episode.
- On a 1993 VHS of Batman: The Animated Series, the text is in an alternate font.
Network Variant: From 1984-1997, the WB shield appears (including the banner reading "WARNER BROS. PICTURES"), with "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" on top and the owner's byline at the bottom.
Syndication Variants: The logo had the following syndication variants:
- 1984-1997: The WB shield appears (including the banner reading "WARNER BROS. PICTURES"), with "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" on top, and the word "DISTRIBUTION" underneath it.
- 1993-1997: Same as the previous variant, but the text on top of the shield was replaced by "WARNER BROS. DOMESTIC TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION", with the first three words overlapping the other two.
- 1994-1996: It features both names, with the text "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" (in a slightly different font) appearing at first, until it cross-fades to "WARNER BROS. DOMESTIC TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION" afterward. This logo variant still had the words "WARNER BROS. PICTURES" in the shield banner.
FX/SFX: None, except the cross-fade text version in 1994.
Music/Sounds: Mostly none or the end-title theme from any show.
Availability: Uncommon.
- It was featured on Batman: The Animated Series, Animaniacs (Nickelodeon/Nicktoons airings of the latter plaster this with the 10th WBTD logo while Cartoon Network used the next 2 logos), Tiny Toon Adventures, Taz-Mania, the first three seasons of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman last aired on the Hub Network (now Discovery Family) and the latter was also remained to be intact on TNT years ago (plastered by the 11th logo on HBO Max), the season 7 DVD release of Full House (replaced with the 11th WBTD logo on MeTV and HBO Max), season 3 of Matt Houston on Decades (before or after the CBS Television Distribution logo), and a couple episodes of Martin on TV One (plastered by the 11th WBTD logo on MTV2 and BET), among others.
- The Distribution variant was found on the TV movie Prince For a Day and at the end of a DVD of the Rankin-Bass special The Year Without a Santa Claus (was intact on ABC Family (now Freeform) years ago).
- It also appeared at the end of the TV shows which are The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, Night Court, Growing Pains, Family Matters, Head of the Class, and Just the Ten of Us, among others.
Editor's Note: None.
7th Logo (September 1, 1994-February 11, 2001)[]
Nickname: "Television WB Shield II"
Logo: Almost the same as the previous logo, only this time, the text "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" was missing from the top of the shield and now appears inside the banner, and the company byline appears in a different font. The overall appearance of the shield was much "shinier" and more golden.
- During this logo's duration, two cloud backgrounds were used: one with more detailed clouds and one with less-detailed clouds and a much brighter color.
- On most first-run and non-WB syndicated shows, the banner reads "WARNER BROS.".
- The less-detailed clouds version of the logo is doubled on PAL DVD releases of Friends season 3, where the logo fades to black as the ending theme ends, it reappears and the standard 1994 WBTV theme plays at PAL speed.
- On Whose Line Is It Anyway?,the logo is slightly enhanced and the sky is also more bluish.
- A syndicated version exists, which has the text "WARNER BROS. DOMESTIC TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION" above the shield.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: A fanfare featuring 7 loud horn notes with a drum rolling throughout and a cymbal clash at the last few notes, sometimes with a reverbation at the end. The music was basically the last few notes of the Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies theme song, "Merrily We Roll Along". In a few cases, it's silent.
Music/Sounds Variants:
- Sometimes, a low tone version was used.
- In some instances, it used the end theme from a show.
- On some shows, the fanfare succeeded the show's ending theme. In some cases, the logo even cut to black after the end theme played, before cutting back to the logo just to play the fanfare. This was most common with seasons 2-4 of Friends, and also occurs with the next four logos, with the 11th logo plastering over the previous four on HD remasters.
- NBC, CBS and some 1997/post-1998 ABC airings used their respective generic themes.
Availability: Uncommon.
- Seen on shows by the company from the time-period until 2001.
- Examples include Friends, The Wayans Bros, Living Single, On Our Own, and The Murphy Brown Retrospective Special, among others.
- The standard version is currently preserved on the final season of Full House on DVD (although the 2003 logo replaces it on HBO Max and MeTV) and was also seen on the original FOX prints of Living Single on Bounce.
- The 1996 WBDTD version was seen on former Family Matters reruns on Nick at Nite and was also seen on reruns of Living Single in syndication years ago.
- The 1994 WBDTD version is still seen on Living Single on TV One (plastered by the 2003 logo on We, and was retained on USA Network years ago, but followed by the 2001 logo), as well as on Babylon 5 PTEN airings for seasons 2-4.
- It is also seen on S1-1st half S3 episodes and 2nd half S4-S5 (until the episode "Oswald's Son") episodes of The Drew Carey Show and the 1999-00 season of Access Hollywood in syndication (replacing 20th Television).
- This logo (along with the next ones) does not appear at the end of Cartoon Network or Williams Street shows, although most of its shows are distributed by the company.
Editor's Note: None.
8th Logo (January-December 1998)[]
Nicknames: "Television WB Shield III", "Television CGI Shield"
Logo: We see a near-still shot of the 1998 movie logo, with the words "75 YEARS Entertaining The World" on both sides of the WB shield, the banner simply reading "WARNER BROS." or "WARNER BROS. PICTURES", and a darker background.
Trivia: This logo debuted before its movie counterpart, the debut of which was on the movie Fallen, which was released on January 16, 1998.
- For the "WARNER BROS. PICTURES" variant, the logo is still.
- As with the previous logo, the "WARNER BROS." variant of the logo appeared twice on Friends season 4. According to the uploader of these videos (ClosingLogosHD), the logo's second appearance has a better quality than the first one.
FX/SFX: Just the clouds moving. Just like the movie logo, this was done by Intralink Film Graphic Design.
Music/Sounds: A truncated version of the wind-blowing theme from the 1998 theatrical logo or the end theme of a show.
Music/Sounds Variants:
- For the "Warner Bros. Pictures" version, it's usually silent or the closing theme of the show/movie, but in rare occasions, the 1994 theme from the previous logo was used.
- A low-tone variant of the 1998 fanfare was heard on a few episodes of Meego (international airings).
- On the original effects version of some episodes of the second half of season 4 of Friends as part of the visual effects comparison, the Friends theme in NTSC pitched tone is heard, followed by the low-tone version of the 1998 theme.
- ABC, CBS and NBC airings used the respective channels' generic themes.
Availability: Uncommon.
- Appeared on the fourth and fifth seasons of Friends (HD prints plaster this logo with the 11th logo), the first and second seasons of Veronica's Closet when last reran on TV Guide Network (now Pop, one overseas airing had the 11th logo follow this logo), the 2nd half S4 episodes of The Parent 'Hood, and the first season of Whose Line Is It Anyway?, among others.
- This debuted on the last two episodes of Living Single, which aired on New Years' Day, 1998.
Editor's Note: None.
9th Logo (April 5, 2000-April 29, 2001)[]
Nicknames: "Television WB Shield IV", "Millennium Shield"
Logo: On a sky background which was slightly better-defined than those from the previous logos, we see the Warner Bros. shield logo with the text "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION" on the banner. The text "DISTRIBUTED BY" or "PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED BY" was shown at the top of the shield (sometimes being omitted), while the byline (which was returned to its first font) and a small URL for "www.warnerbros.com" are shown at the bottom.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: The end-title theme of any series, the 1994 WBTV theme, or silence.
Music/Sound Variants:
- On the 2000 remake of The Fugitive, a majestic fanfare is heard. The pilot episode of the said show has the 1994 WBTV theme in warp speed and is pitched up by 5 semitones. CBS airings of the show have the channel's generic theme play over the logo.
- On syndicated prints of season 6 of The Drew Carey Show, the show's stinger theme is heard.
Availability: Uncommon. This was only used for a short time until Time Warner merged with America Online.
- Appeared on older reruns of Growing Pains last aired on TeenNick.
- This also appeared on the NBC/WB sitcom For Your Love.
Editor's Note: None.
10th Logo (January 29, 2001-December 15, 2007)[]
Nickname: "Television WB Shield V"
Logo: The logo was now a TV rendition of the movie logo of the time. The sky background was either darker or brighter, and we see the 1984 shield logo with the banner inscription "WARNER BROS. TELEVISION". Like the previous logo, this one often includes either "Distributed by" or "Produced and Distributed by" on top of the shield, and the byline "An AOL Time Warner Company"" under the shield, sometimes with a small website URL reading "www.warnerbros.com".
- Early 2001-Fall 2003: This logo has a different cloud background, and a shinier WB shield logo. The words "Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution" are readded on top of the shield logo with the new byline at the bottom of it. The company URL was temporarily omitted.
- There's also a narrow version of the logo.
- An open-matte 2001 distribution variant exists.
- A complete widescreen version of the logo with the clouds being enhanced.
- A B&W variant of the Distribution variant exists.
- On a Dutch airing of Third Watch, the open-matte version is shown, but the URL is changed to the UK website for Warner Bros. ("www.warnerbros.co.uk")
- This was also seen on the UK airings of The West Wing, and is also preserved on a season 3 episode of Kung Fu on DVD.
- A variant of the 2001 logo found on UK airings of Friends, ER and The West Wing have an AOL Keyword below the logo "AOL Keyword: (Name of Either Show, i.e. "West Wing")" ("AOL" in its corporate acronym of the time) with the URL website reading "www.warnerbros.co.uk".
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: The 1994 theme from the 7th logo, the end theme of the show, or silence.
Music/Sounds Variants:
- Sometimes, a low tone was used.
- ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC airings used their generic themes.
- On the first episode of season 3 and the eighteenth episode of season 4 of Dallas on their respective DVD releases, it has the 1971 Lorimar theme on this logo due to a sloppy plaster job.
- On season 1 episodes of What I Like About You on its DVD release, the Smallville episode "Whisper" and the ER season 3 episode "One More for the Road" on the S3 DVD release thereof, it uses the music from the next logo, both due to a rush plastering job.
Availability: Common.
- Appeared on ABC Family (now Freeform) and TeenNick reruns of Full House.
- Also appeared on Friends from "The One Where Rosita Dies" to the season 9 finale "The One in Barbados", X-Men: Evolution, the first 2 seasons of Smallville, and the first season of both Everwood and Without a Trace.
- With general use stopping around late 2003, after the Time Warner name was reinstated, this logo was still used on the later episodes of the first incarnation of Whose Line Is It Anyway? (and as of the current UP reruns of the latter, continue to keep it this way) up to its 2007 end.
- It was also seen at the end of an old TCM airing of The Making of 'Cannery Row' (1982), a later print of The Doorway to Hell (1930), the pilot episode of Black Bart, (included on the 2014 UK Blu-ray release of Blazing Saddles (1974), plastering the 5th logo), and an old TG4 airing of Scooby's Mystery Funhouse as part of their Cúla4 block, following the blacked out 1979-era variant of the 1979 Hanna-Barbera "Swirling Star" logo.
- It was also seen at the end of a 2006 E4 UK airing of a season 1 episode of Smallville, alongside Lily Allen's debut single "Smile", which went to the UK singles chart.
Editor's Note: None.
11th Logo (September 9, 2003-October 1, 2021)[]
Nickname: "Television WB Shield VI"
Logo: Pretty much same as the previous logo, but the colors are brighter and the company byline was omitted. This was because all of the WB divisions were organized as "Warner Bros. Entertainment" under Warner Bros. Discovery. Sometimes, the WB URL was shown underneath. Like the 2000 and 2001 logos, either "Distributed by" or "Produced and Distributed by" (in the same font as the previous logo) was shown on top of the shield, sometimes being omitted.
- Some shows distributed by Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution have a further-back view of the logo, while shows from Warner Bros. Television Distribution feature a closer view.
- On the series finale of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air titled "I, Done" in syndication, and TCM prints of Nancy Drew... Troubleshooter, the widescreen version of this logo was squashed to fit the 4:3 dimensions.
- On HD remastered prints of Friends as part of the visual effects comparison, along with television show itself and the Bright-Kauffman-Crane Productions logo, the widescreen version of this logo was letterboxed to 4:3.
- A B&W version was used on the finale of Children's Hospital, entitled "The Grid", and some films on TCM.
- On some shows, like TMZ and Extra, the logo fades in from black. On The Tyra Banks Show, the logo crossfades from the Telepictures logo.
- On Lifechangers and 2020-2021 episodes of TMZ, the logo is part of the split screen credits.
- The 2003 logo also sometimes shares the screen with other logos.
- On Undercovers, the colors are more vivid.
- On the Everwood episode "East Meets West", the colors are very light.
- On the American version of The Tomorrow People, the colors are slightly brighter than the Undercovers variant.
- On a TMZ Live demo reel, the banner reads "DOMESTIC TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION" instead.
FX/SFX: None.
Music/Sounds: The 2nd part of the 1998 WB fanfare based on the song "As Time Goes By" from the WB film Casablanca, originally from the Broadway musical, Everybody's Welcome.
Music/Sounds Trivia: The 2003 theme debuted on the series premiere of Two and a Half Men (as well as on the Eve episode "Condom Mania"), broadcast on September 22, 2003.
Music/Sounds Variants:
- On network shows from 2003 to 2005, as well as on episode 8 of season 1 of Cold Case, the WBTV theme was in mono. The strings are more prominent in this variation and you can barely hear the low brass note on the 3rd note of the theme. However, All of Us continued using this variant until 2007.
- An alternate version of the fanfare was used in the early days of the logo. This version had a faster tempo, a piano note at the beginning, and a slightly different ending.
- Sometimes, the 1994 WBTV theme from the previous logo is heard.
- The first 6 season 1 episodes of Cold Case had the last 3 notes of the 1994 WBTV theme.
- On Smallville, one of the following themes is used:
- When it plasters the previous logo (4:3 prints retains this), the 1994 WBTV theme is used
- On later season 5 episodes until the series finale, the theme is carrying it from the DC Comics logo.
- On some re-runs of Friends, this plasters the 1994 logo; the closing theme of the TV show is heard, followed by the 1994 fanfare. Some occasions cut-off the closing theme, on some local airings; the 1998 theme is heard instead, this is intact on HBO Max, but on airings on certain local stations including WADL Detroit, the closing theme continues over this logo instead.
- The 1998 theme is also heard on this logo on 1998 episodes of The Wayans Bros. on HBO, the final season of Murphy Brown on Nick at Nite and on DVD prints of Mortal Kombat: Conquest.
- The 1994 low tone WBTV theme is also heard on the short 2003 Warner Bros. Pictures logo.
- There is also a sped-up version of the 2003 theme.
- On Cold Case starting with later season 1 episodes and, the last note of the theme is cut off.
- On Children's Hospital, the music (usually just the last note) is cut off by the Williams Street logo.
- On The Carrie Diaries, you can hear the last bit of the sped-up CBS Television Studios jingle before the sped-up version of the 2003 theme, which could imply that the WBTV theme was ripped straight out of The Vampire Diaries.
- Sometimes, the closing theme plays over the logo or it's silent.
- On digital prints of some episodes of Perfect Strangers, the theme has a weird echo effect. This is due to it only using the rear surround channels for unknown reason.
- On syndicated prints of The Jamie Foxx Show, Jamie Foxx's closing jingle, "Electrifying (Baby, That's Real)" plays in the background throughout the entire four-way logo combo.
- Starting with the 6th episode of season 2 of Jane The Virgin, only the last note is heard.
- The first two seasons of Arrow and the pilot of The Flash used a slowed down version of the fanfare.
- The short-lived sitcom Commando Nanny had the fanfare double pitched.
- On Freddie, the theme is mixed between the first note and the last two notes.
- On some episodes of Judge Mathis, the echo of the last note of the Millar Gough Ink logo is heard over the first note of the 2003 theme, which could imply that the WB theme was ripped straight out of Smallville.
- On Life Unexpected, only the second note and the last note are heard.
- On syndicated prints of Night Court. the laughter from the Starry Night Productions theme is heard due to plastering the 2nd logo.
- On season 2 of Westworld, the theme is played on a honky-tonk piano, and will later be used with the 14th logo and the 15th logo for seasons 3 and 4, respectively.
- ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and post-2003 The WB (later The CW) used their generic themes.
Availability: When this logo was phased out since October 2021, it's still ultra common.
- Appears on a few shows including The Ellen DeGeneres Show and Two and a Half Men.
- Also appears on some shows such as The Mountain, Salem's Lot, and Twins, among others.
- Also appeared on the 10th and final season of Friends.
- Beginning from 2006 and onward, this returned after the next logo was phased out.
- This logo was used in term with the 2014, 2017, and 2021 logos up until 2022. The 2017 logo replaced this logo beginning with the 2018-2019 season, though this logo was still used in syndication until September 2021. However, coinciding with Warner Bros. rebranding their on-screen logos with their 2019 print logo aside from the 2014 logo since 2020, this logo was phased out.
Editor's Note: This logo was fondly remembered by those who grew up watching Two and a Half Men. It was also a favorite amongst fans of said show.
12th Logo (January-December 2005)[]
Nicknames: "Television WB Shield VII", "WB 50 Years of Quality", "Plastic Shield", "Television CGI Shield II"
Logo: We see a smoother WB shield with a ribbon that reads "50 YEARS OF QUALITY" wrapped around the bottom of it. Sometimes, the website URL appears underneath. For syndication, the text "Distributed by" appears at the top. Sometimes the shield was close to the screen while zooms back.
- Sometimes, the website URL is seen below.
- Sometimes, the shield is close to the screen and zooms back.
- For syndication, the text "Distributed by" appears above.
- On Blue Collar TV, the logo is open-matted.
FX/SFX: The clouds gliding across the sky, and the shield zooming out on occasion, this logo was animated by The Illusion Factory.
Music/Sounds: Same as the previous logo.
Music/Sounds Variants:
- On some shows, the end-title theme plays over.
- In a few cases, the logo was silent.
Availability: Uncommon.
- It's still saved on reruns of 2005 episodes of Warner Bros. shows, such as Eve on TV One, Supernatural on TNT and FX, Nip/Tuck on Logo, and Without a Trace on Ion Television, among others.
- This was also seen on Alice, Spenser: For Hire, and Scarecrow and Mrs. King (plastering the 1972-84 WBTV logo on the 1st season's rerun) back in 2005 during Warner Bros. Television's 50-hour marathon on TV Land.
- This logo is also plastered on local syndication reruns of Two and a Half Men with the 2003 logo, but it is still retained on Australian reruns.
- Episode 18 of season 5 of Smallville has this logo seen for a split-second before it cuts immediately to the previous logo, due to plastering error.
Editor's Note: None.