Logo: We start with a yellow flash and the camera zooms out to reveal a glowing box over a river. The camera turns as the rectangle glows even more. As the camera pans across, we see the rectangle is a stylised "LE", with the stacked text "LANTERN ENTERTAINMENT".
Variant: A short version exists.
Music/Sounds: Two piano notes, a swirling ambient section, and then three more piano notes, all combined with ocean wave sounds.
Availability: Current. First spotted on Disney Channel and Freeform broadcasts of Paddington, preceding the TWC-Dimension logo. It is currently seen at the start of newer prints of TWC movies, such as Freevee prints of Leo the Lion before the TWC logo. This also appears on The Upside, a Weinstein holdover.
Editor's Note: A nicely-animated follow-up to the TWC logo.